Course Information
- Instructor: Sang Kil Cha
- Time: (Tue./Thu.) 9:00 ~ 10:30
- Location: N1 #113
- TAs:
- 김정현
- 송용호
- 이정우
- Grading:
- 5% Reading critique
- 20% Homework
- 35% Midterm
- 40% Final
This course provides an in-depth study of attacks and defenses in software. The major themes this course will teach include memory safety vulnerabilities, control-flow hijacking, malicious software, and binary-level program analysis techniques. We will offer significant hands-on experience on each topic as well as reading and writing assignments.
Late Submission Policy
Late assignments will be assessed a late penalty of 10% per day.
Reading Critique Guideline
- Use this LaTeX template.
- No more than a single page.
- Must start with a summary paragraph.
- Must include your critical view.
- Must summarize what you learned or what can be improved.
Report Submission Guideline
- Submit a single ZIP file per team. The ZIP file should contain your final report (in PDF) and any code/implementation.
- Use ACM sig proceedings templates for your final report: link
- Maximum 6 pages (two columns).
- It should roughly have the following format:
- Introduction: show motivation.
- Problem definition: what are you trying to solve? why is it important?
- Proposed method: why is it better than the state of the art?
- Evaluation: list of questions your experiments are designed to answer.
- Conclusion.
(subject to change)