Course Information
- Instructor: Sang Kil Cha
- Time: (Mon./Wed.) 9:00 ~ 10:30
- Location: E11 Terman Hall
- TAs:
- 신명근
- 신현수
- 이대진
- 이준오
- Grading:
- 10% Participation (assignments, in-class activities, etc.)
- 40% Midterm
- 50% Final
This course introduces fundamental concepts in programming language design and implementation. The main aim of this course is to develop skills and confidence to solve computational problems in a concise and efficient manner. Students will learn multiple programming paradigms including functional programming, object-oriented programming, imperative programming, as well as demand-driven programming, with F#, an elegant, yet practical, modern language.
Auxiliary Textbooks
This class does not use a textbook, but students are recommended to read the auxiliary textbooks:
- Students are strongly recommended to read "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2nd Edition)" by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman, 1996, MIT Press. The PDF of this book is freely available at here.
- Students who want to learn more about F# may refer to "Functional Programming Using F#" by Michael R. Hansen and Hans Rischel. The book includes various exercises for each topic that we learn throughout the course. The pdf of it is also freely available at here.
(subject to change)