Course Information
- Instructor: Sang Kil Cha
- Time: (Tue./Thu.) 9:00 ~ 10:30
- Location: N1 117
- TAs:
- 김대석
- 김세훈
- 김정현
- 박건우
- 박상준
- 이준학
- Grading:
- 5% Participation (in-class activities, etc.)
- 20% Homework
- 35% Midterm
- 40% Final
- Office Hours: [link]
- GitHub main repository: [link]
- We do not accept late submissions.
This course introduces fundamental concepts in programming. The main aim of this course is to develop skills and confidence to solve computational problems in a concise and efficient manner. Students will learn various software engineering principles and multiple programming paradigms including functional programming, object-oriented programming, imperative programming, as well as demand-driven programming, with F#, an elegant, yet practical, modern language.
Auxiliary Textbooks
This class is inspired by those freely available books below, so students are recommended to read them.
(subject to change)